Monday, August 29, 2011

Class Information

Illustration 2
Sect. 2240
Mondays 6:00 - 9:20 PM

Prof. Accardo
Office - N-1111
Hrs. - Mondays 5-6 PM & Tuesdays 5-6 PM
Email -


College policy allows absences equivalent to 10% of class time, that is, 3 absences if class meets twice a week, or 1.5 absences if class meets once a week.
2 latenesses equals 1 absence.

Class meets at 6PM, from 6:01- 6:15 you are late, after 6:15 you are absent. Attendance is taken at 6, then I lecture or demonstrate. As this is a studio class, you will be working in class which becomes part of your grade.


25% Studio Work (class work & participation)
10% Sketchbook
65% Projects (3)

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